
You can find Audioways codes in locations across the town of Lewes and Newhaven, and at Southease, Newhaven Town, Bishopstone and Seaford Railway Stations.

Lewes Locations

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a - Barbican Carpets, High Street, BN7 2LU

b - Rotten Row, BN7 1LJ

c - Lewes Football Club, Mountfield Road, BN7 2XP

d - Meiklejohn Gallery, Malling Street, BN7 2RA

e - The Skate Society, Malling Street, BN7 2LE

f - Cookschool, Friars Walk, BN7 2LF

g - Lewes Arms, Mount Place, BN7 1YH

h - Lewes Station, BN7 2UP

i - E.E. Goacher, 101a Western Road, BN7 1RS

j - The Workshop, 164 High Street, BN7 1XU

k - Winterbourne Hollow, BN7 1DF

l - Talbot Terrace, BN7 2DS

m - 42 High Street, BN7 2DD

n - Railway Land, BN7 2FG

o - Lancaster Street, BN7 2PX

p - Lewes Football Club, Mountfield Road, BN7 2XA

q - Lewes Football Club, Mountfield Road, BN7 2XA

r - Lewes Football Club, Mountfield Road, BN7 2XA

Railway Locations